Bhojajaniya Jataka(Warrior Horse)

Cullaka Sethi Jataka (Smart Trade Skills)-Lord Buddha Jataka Stories

Lord Buddha Jataka Stories
Once the blessed one Lord Buddha took birth as a son of highest treasurer in the city of Kasi known as little treasurer.Like other Lord Buddha Jataka Stories it also tells a  knowledge of great skill. In  this Lord Buddha Jataka a young fellow with his trade skills wins the heart of little treasurer and marry to his daughter.

One day little Boddhisatta was on his way waiting  the king coming.A mouse was lying died on the way. Little treasurer had great knowledge of omen and stars position, he said that who will pick up the mouse will  start a business and get a wife.A young decent fellow heard this.Lord Buddha Jataka Story proceeds.

Little treasure picked the dead mouce and give it to a man forhis cat and recieved some molasses.Further with molasses and a pot of water little treasure gave it to coming flower gatherers and received flowers .With flowers he exchanged flower plants .After that exchanging 500 mowers and grass for 500 horses of a trader he got an opportunity to trade with a sea trader and become a rich man.He earned 200,000 pieces of gold and returned Benares (Kasi).

Showing his gratitude to little tresurer he went with100,000 pieces of gold to him and thanked him for his advice.Then he told his whole sory to him from mouse to that day.the great Lord Buddha Jataka little treasurer impressed by his skills married him his own daughter.

