Bhojajaniya Jataka(Warrior Horse)


Lord Buddha Jataka Stories
Once Blessed One took birth as a king Chimera of ancient city of Mara known as Maraavatti or Maragarh in ancient Bharat-Versh, when the name of country was known as Maraha the place of Marah people. Maravatti or Maragarh was ancient city which was made by baked bricks and roads, streets were constructed with planning.It had world's first covered drainage system.All the citizens were happy.It's business was established all over the world from Mesopotamia to Greece and Egypt.In the reign of Chimera king everyone enjoyed and there was no misery.People were treated with good conduct.They used to do hard work for their living.There were no thefts and crime in the city of Lord Buddha Jataka.There was honesty everywhere and no place for injustice.
King Chimera  Lord Buddha Jataka ruled with justice,love,kindness,donations and helping his subjects.He treated his subjects as own family.People considers him as a God.But happiness was not seen by others .Greek God Jeus was fearing of the influence of the Chimera God.He sent the prince Bellerophon. But the king of love ,kindness and benovelance king Chimara tried to make a peece. He tried to win with love.There was a war between both but before the greatest king and god of the universe how much time Bellerophon face.Blessed one, due to  his great virtue of kindness forgave him.But this was not over .At the command of king Lobates of Lycia prince Bellerophon again with the help of Pegasus having flying ability succeeded to defeated the the great king .To save his lovely citizens of his reign the great Chimera god decided to give his life.
Seeing the greatness of great Blessed One Bellerophon fell down on his knees.Great Blessed One preached him the eight fold ways to live a happy life without misery.Accepting the teachings he gained the highest stage (nirvana). Lord of the universe saved the whole humanity once again.In this Jataka story he teaches us to give everything for the help of community even one's life.
Such great was God Chimera.This L
ord Buddha Jataka Story tells us about the greatness of our ancestors.
